Monsi, M. (1938): |
Beeinflussung der Spaltöffnungsweite durch Regenfall. Jap. J. Bot. 9(2): 131-144. |
Monsi, M. (1938): |
Eine theoretische Betrachtung über die Infiltrationsmethode. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 52(618): 300-311. |
Monsi, M. (1938): |
Beeinflussung der Spaltöffnungsweite durch plötzliches Wasserabsperren und
-zuführen, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Spaltöffnungs-bewegung zur Regenzeit. Jap. J. Bot. 9(3): 313-334. |
Monsi, M. (1939): |
Die Mitwirkung der Stomata-Nebenzellen auf die Spaltöffnungsbewegung. Jap. J. Bot. 9(4): 373-394. |
Monsi, M. (1943): |
Untersuchungen über die Mechanismus der Schleuderbewegung der Sojabohnen-Hülse. Jap. J. Bot. 12: 437-474. |
Monsi, M. (1944): |
Untersuchungen über die pflanzliche Transpiration, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der stomatären und inneren Regulation. Jap. J. Bot. 13: 367-433. |
門司 正三 (1944): |
豆莢の捩じれに就いて. 應用物理 13(3): |
Monsi, M. und T. Saeki (1953): |
Über den Lichtfaktor in den Pflanzengesellschaften und seine Bedeutung für die Stoffproduktion. Jap. J. Bot. 14: 22-52. |
Kasanaga, H. and M. Monsi (1954): |
On the light-transmission of leaves, and its meaning for the production of matter in plant communities. Jap. J. Bot. 14: 304-324. |
Monsi, M. and Y. Oshima (1955): |
A theoretical analysis of the succession processes of plant community, based upon the production of matter. Jap. J. Bot. 15: 60-82. |
黒岩 澄雄・門司 正三 (1956): |
植物群落構造と光,温度の関係について. 農業気象12(2): 41-47. [ Kuroiwa, S. and M. Monsi (1956): On the relation of light and temperature to the structure of plant community. J. Agric. Meteorol. 12(2): 41-47.] |
Totsuka, T. and M. Monsi (1959): |
Effect of water economy on plant growth I. Influence of water level lowering on the growth of water-cultured tobacco plants. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 72: 367-374. |
Nomoto, N., H. Kasanaga and
M. Monsi (1959): |
Dry matter production by Chamaecyparis pisifera in winter. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 72: 450-455. |
Totsuka, T. and M. Monsi (1960): |
Effect of water economy on plant growth 2. An analysis of water economy of water-cultured tobacco plant. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 73: 14-21. |
Monsi, M. (1960): |
Dry-matter reproduction in plants 1. Schemata of dry-matter reproduction. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 73: 81-90. |
Totsuka, T., T. Oshima and
M. Monsi (1960): |
Effect of water economy on plant growth 3. Effect of partial excision of root system on the dry matter production of sunflower plant. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 73: 389-397. |
Nomoto, N., H. Iwaki and
M. Monsi (1961): |
Physiological and ecological analyses of shade tolerance of plants. 1. Growth of green-grams under varying light intensities. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 74: 386-394. |
Monsi, M., H. Iwaki, S. Kuraishi,
T. Saeki and N. Nomoto (1962): |
Physiological and ecological analyses of shade tolerance of plants 2. Growth of dark-treated green-gram under varying light intensities. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 75: 185-194. |
Aruga, Y. and M. Monsi (1962): |
Primary production in the northwestern part of the Pacific off Honshu, Japan. J. Oceanogr. Soc. Jap. 18: 85-94. |
Hiroi, T. and M. Monsi (1963): |
Physiological and ecological analyses of shade tolerance of plants 3. Effect of shading on growth attributes of Helianthus annuus. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 76: 121-129. |
Aruga, Y. and M. Monsi (1963): |
Chlorophyll amount as an indicator of matter productivity in bio-communities. Plant Cell Physiol. 4: 29-39. |
Lee, I.K. and M. Monsi (1963): |
Ecological studies on Pinus densiflora forest 1. Effects of plant substances on the floristic composition of the undergrowth. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 76: 400-413. |
黒岩 澄雄・門司 正三 (1963): |
植物群落における光要因と光合成の理論的解析 (1) 葉層構造と直射光,散光及び自然光との関係. 農業気象 18: 143-151.
[ Kuroiwa, S. and M. Monsi (1963): Theoretical analysis of light factor and photosynthesis in plant communities (1). Relationships between foliage structure and direct, diffuse and total solar radiations. J. Agric. Meteorol. 18: 143-151. ] |
黒岩 澄雄・門司 正三 (1963): |
植物群落における光要因と光合成の理論的解析 (2) 吸光係数と光合成の日変化. 農業気象 19: 15-21. [ Kuroiwa, S. and M. Monsi (1963): Theoretical analysis of light factor and photosynthesis in plant communities (2). Diurnal changes of extinction coefficient and photosynthesis. J. Agric. Meteorol. 19: 15-21. ] |
翠川 文次郎・岩城 英夫・
宝月 欣二・門司 正三 (1963): |
霧ヶ峰牧野荒廃防止並びに改良に関する調査報告書. 長野県農政部. |
Hiroi, T. and M. Monsi (1964): |
Physiological and ecological analyses of shade tolerance of plants 4. Effect of shading on distribution of photosynthate in Helianthus annuus. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 77: 1-9. |
Kuroiwa, S., T. Hiroi, K. Takada and
M. Monsi (1964): |
Distribution ratio of net photosynthate to photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic systems in shaded plants. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 77: 37-42. |
Ino, Y. and M. Monsi (1964): |
On the decomposition rate of soil organic matter in humic allophane soils of Mt. Kirigamine. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 77: 168-175. |
Totsuka, T. and M. Monsi (1964): |
An analysis of the ecophysiological adaptation of tobacco plant to a limited water supply. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 77: 206-215 |
Ino, Y. and M. Monsi (1964): |
Distribution of the increment in nutrient element in humic allophane soils of Mt. Kirigamine. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 77: 216-221. |
Nakanishi, M. and M. Monsi (1965): |
Effect of variation in salinity on photosynthesis of phytoplankton growing in estuaries. J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo Sec.Ⅲ, Part 2, 9: 19-42. |
Hiroi, T. and M. Monsi (1966): |
Dry-matter economy of Helianthus annuus communities grown at varying densities and light intensities. J. Fac. Sci, Univ. Tokyo, Sec.Ⅲ, Part 6-9, 9: 241-285. |
Iwaki, H., M. Monsi and
B. Midorikawa (1966): |
Dry matter production of some herb communities in Japan. 11th Pacific Sci. Congr., Tokyo. 15pp. |
Monsi, M. (1968): |
Mathematical models of plant communities. Proc. Copenhagen Symposium on Functioning of Terrestrial Ecosystems at the Primary Production Level, 1965, UNESCO, p.131-149. |
廣井 敏男・岩城 英夫・
門司 正三 (1968): |
林床植物群落の葉量. 自然教育園の生物群集に関する調査報告 第2集, p.8-22. [ Hiroi, T., H. Iwaki and M. Monsi (1968): Leaf amount of forest floor vegetation. Ecological Studies of Biotic Communities in the National Parks of Nature Study 2. p.8-22. ] |
Nakano, K. and M. Monsi (1968): |
An experimental approach to some quantitative aspects of grazing by silkworms (Bombyx mori). Jap. J. Ecol. 85: 217-230. |
Ino, Y. and M. Monsi (1969): |
An experimental approach to the calculation of CO2 amount evolved from several soils. Jap. J. Bot. 20: 153-188. |
Oikawa, T. and M. Monsi (1969): |
Analytical studies of height growth in a Helianthus annuus community in relation to competition for light. Jap. J. Bot. 20: 189-211. |
Iwaki, H., K. Takada and
M. Monsi (1969): |
Studies on the dry matter production of Solidago altissima community 1. The plant biomass and annual net production. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 82: 215-225. |
Monsi, M. and Y. Murata (1969): |
Development of photosynthetic systems as influenced by matter distribution. In: Prediction and Measurement of Photosynthetic Productivity. Proc. IBP/PP Technical Meeting, Trebon, 14-21 Sept. 1969, p.115-129. |
Sawada, S., T. Saeki and
M. Monsi (1970): |
JIPB/PP-laboratory vans for photosynthesis and environmental factor measurements in field. Jap. J. Ecol. 20: 203-207. |
Furuhata, I. and M. Monsi (1973): |
An analytical study on the ecophysiological adaptation of soybean plants to limited water supply. J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo Sec.Ⅲ 11(5-7): 243-262. |
Monsi, M., Z. Uchijima and
T. Oikawa (1973): |
Structure of foliage canopies and photosynthesis. Ann. Rev. Ecol. & System. 4: 321-327. |
Song, S.D. and M. Monsi (1974): |
Studies on the nitrogen and dry-matter economy of a Lespedeza bicolor var. japonica community. J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo Sec.Ⅲ 11(8-9): 283-332. |
Nakanishi, M. and M. Monsi (1976): |
Factors that control the species composition of freshwater phytoplankton, with special attention to nutrient concentrations. Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. 61: 439-470. |
Monsi, M. and K. Ogawa (1977): |
Ecological consideration on some characteristics of liana communities. In: Vegetation Science and Environmental Protection (eds. A. Miyawaki & R. Tüxen), Maruzen, Tokyo, p.325-334. |
Monsi, M. and T. Saeki (2005): |
On the factor light in plant communities and its importance for matter production. Ann. Bot. 95: 549-567. |